Source code for shuup.core.models._service_base

# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import django
import functools
import six
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from filer.fields.image import FilerImageField
from jsonfield import JSONField
from parler.managers import TranslatableQuerySet
from parler.models import TranslatedField, TranslatedFields
from uuid import uuid4

from shuup.core.fields import InternalIdentifierField
from shuup.core.pricing import PriceInfo

from ._base import PolymorphicShuupModel, PolymorphicTranslatableShuupModel, PolyTransModelBase, TranslatableShuupModel
from ._product_shops import ShopProduct
from ._shops import Shop

class ServiceProvider(PolymorphicTranslatableShuupModel):
    Entity that provides services.

    Good examples of service providers are `Carrier` and

    When subclassing `ServiceProvider`, set value for `service_model`
    class attribute. It should be a model class, which is a subclass of

    identifier = InternalIdentifierField(unique=True)
    enabled = models.BooleanField(
        help_text=_("Enable this if this service provider can be used when placing orders."),
    name = TranslatedField(any_language=True)
    logo = FilerImageField(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name=_("logo"))

    base_translations = TranslatedFields(
        name=models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name=_("name"), help_text=_("The service provider name.")),

    shops = models.ManyToManyField(
            "This service provider will be available only for order sources of the given shop. "
            "If blank, this service provider is available for any order source."
    supplier = models.ForeignKey(
            "This service provider will be available only for order sources that contain "
            "all items from the configured supplier. If blank, this service provider is "
            "available for any order source."

    #: Model class of the provided services (subclass of `Service`)
    service_model = None

[docs] def get_service_choices(self): """ Get all service choices of this provider. Subclasses should implement this method. :rtype: list[ServiceChoice] """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create_service(self, choice_identifier, **kwargs): """ Create a service for a given choice identifier. Subclass implementation may attach some `behavior components <ServiceBehaviorComponent>` to the created service. Subclasses should provide implementation for `_create_service` or override it. Base class implementation calls the `_create_service` method with resolved `choice_identifier`. :type choice_identifier: str|None :param choice_identifier: Identifier of the service choice to use. If None, use the default service choice. :rtype: shuup.core.models.Service """ if choice_identifier is None: choice_identifier = self.get_service_choices()[0].identifier return self._create_service(choice_identifier, **kwargs)
def _create_service(self, choice_identifier, **kwargs): """ Create a service for a given choice identifier. :type choice_identifier: str :rtype: shuup.core.models.Service """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_effective_name(self, service, source): """ Get effective name of the service for a given order source. Base class implementation will just return name of the given service, but that may be changed in a subclass. :type service: shuup.core.models.Service :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: str """ return
class ServiceChoice(object): """ Choice of service provided by a service provider. """ def __init__(self, identifier, name): """ Initialize service choice. :type identifier: str :param identifier: Internal identifier for the service. Should be unique within a single `ServiceProvider`. :type name: str :param name: Descriptive name of the service in currently active language. """ self.identifier = identifier = name class ServiceQuerySet(TranslatableQuerySet): def enabled(self): no_provider_filter = { self.model.provider_attr: None, } enabled_filter = { self.model.provider_attr + "__enabled": True, "enabled": True, } return self.exclude(**no_provider_filter).filter(**enabled_filter) def for_shop(self, shop): return self.filter(shop=shop) def available_ids(self, shop, products): """ Retrieve common available services for shop and product IDs. :param shop_id: Shop ID. :type shop_id: int :param product_ids: Product IDs. :type product_ids: set[int] :return: Set of service IDs. :rtype: set[int] """ shop_product_m2m = self.model.shop_product_m2m shop_product_limiter_attr = "limit_%s" % self.model.shop_product_m2m limiting_products_query = {"shop": shop, "product__in": products, shop_product_limiter_attr: True} enabled_for_shop = self.enabled().for_shop(shop) available_ids = set(enabled_for_shop.values_list("pk", flat=True)) for shop_product in ShopProduct.objects.filter(**limiting_products_query): available_ids &= set(getattr(shop_product, shop_product_m2m).values_list("pk", flat=True)) if not available_ids: # Out of IDs, better just fail fast break return available_ids def available(self, shop, products): return self.filter(pk__in=self.available_ids(shop, products)) class Service(TranslatableShuupModel): """ Abstract base model for services. Each enabled service should be linked to a service provider and should have a choice identifier specified in its `choice_identifier` field. The choice identifier should be valid for the service provider, i.e. it should be one of the `ServiceChoice.identifier` values returned by the `ServiceProvider.get_service_choices` method. """ identifier = InternalIdentifierField(unique=True, verbose_name=_("identifier")) enabled = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_("enabled"), help_text=_("Enable this if this service should be selectable on checkout."), ) shop = models.ForeignKey( on_delete=models.CASCADE, to=Shop, verbose_name=_("shop"), help_text=_("The shop for this service.") ) supplier = models.ForeignKey( "shuup.Supplier", verbose_name=_("supplier"), on_delete=models.CASCADE, help_text=_( "The supplier for this service. This service will be available only for order sources " "that contain all items from this supplier." ), null=True, blank=True, ) choice_identifier = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=64, verbose_name=_("choice identifier")) # These are for migrating old methods to new architecture old_module_identifier = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True) old_module_data = JSONField(blank=True, null=True) name = TranslatedField(any_language=True) description = TranslatedField() logo = FilerImageField(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name=_("logo")) tax_class = models.ForeignKey( "TaxClass", on_delete=models.PROTECT, verbose_name=_("tax class"), help_text=_("The tax class to use for this service. Define by searching for `Tax Classes`."), ) behavior_components = models.ManyToManyField("ServiceBehaviorComponent", verbose_name=_("behavior components")) labels = models.ManyToManyField("Label", blank=True, verbose_name=_("labels")) objects = ServiceQuerySet.as_manager()
[docs] class Meta: abstract = True
@property def provider(self): """ :rtype: shuup.core.models.ServiceProvider """ return getattr(self, self.provider_attr)
[docs] def get_effective_name(self, source): """ Get an effective name of the service for a given order source. By default, effective name is the same as name of this service, but if there is a service provider with a custom implementation for `~shuup.core.models.ServiceProvider.get_effective_name` method, then this can be different. :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: str """ if not self.provider: return return self.provider.get_effective_name(self, source)
[docs] def is_available_for(self, source): """ Return true if service is available for a given source. :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: bool """ return not any(self.get_unavailability_reasons(source))
[docs] def get_unavailability_reasons(self, source): """ Get reasons of being unavailable for a given source. :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: Iterable[ValidationError] """ if not self.provider or not self.provider.enabled or not self.enabled: yield ValidationError(_("%s is disabled.") % self, code="disabled") if != self.shop_id: yield ValidationError(_("%s is for different shop.") % self, code="wrong_shop") for component in self.behavior_components.all(): for reason in component.get_unavailability_reasons(self, source): yield reason
[docs] def get_total_cost(self, source): """ Get total cost of this service for items in a given source. :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: PriceInfo """ return _sum_costs(self.get_costs(source), source)
[docs] def get_costs(self, source): """ Get costs of this service for items in a given source. :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :return: description, price and tax class of the costs. :rtype: Iterable[ServiceCost] """ for component in self.behavior_components.all(): for cost in component.get_costs(self, source): yield cost
[docs] def get_lines(self, source): """ Get lines for a given source. Lines are created based on costs. Costs without descriptions are combined to a single line. :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: Iterable[shuup.core.order_creator.SourceLine] """ for (num, line_data) in enumerate(self._get_line_data(source), 1): (price_info, tax_class, text) = line_data yield self._create_line(source, num, price_info, tax_class, text)
def _get_line_data(self, source): # Split to costs with and without description costs_with_description = [] costs_without_description = [] for cost in self.get_costs(source): if cost.description: costs_with_description.append(cost) else: assert cost.tax_class is None costs_without_description.append(cost) if not (costs_with_description or costs_without_description): costs_without_description = [ServiceCost(source.create_price(0))] effective_name = self.get_effective_name(source) # Yield the combined cost first if costs_without_description: combined_price_info = _sum_costs(costs_without_description, source) yield (combined_price_info, self.tax_class, effective_name) # Then the costs with description, one line for each cost for cost in costs_with_description: tax_class = cost.tax_class or self.tax_class text = _("%(service_name)s: %(sub_item)s") % { "service_name": effective_name, "sub_item": cost.description, } yield (cost.price_info, tax_class, text) def _create_line(self, source, num, price_info, tax_class, text): return source.create_line( line_id=self._generate_line_id(num), type=self.line_type, quantity=price_info.quantity, text=text, base_unit_price=price_info.base_unit_price, discount_amount=price_info.discount_amount, tax_class=tax_class, supplier=self.supplier,, ) def _generate_line_id(self, num): return "%s-%02d-%s" % (, num, uuid4().hex) def _make_sure_is_usable(self): if not self.provider: raise ValueError("Error! %r has no %s." % (self, self.provider_attr)) if not self.enabled: raise ValueError("Error! %r is disabled." % (self,)) if not self.provider.enabled: raise ValueError("Error! %s of %r is disabled." % (self.provider_attr, self)) def _sum_costs(costs, source): """ Sum the price info of given costs and return the sum as `PriceInfo`. :type costs: Iterable[ServiceCost] :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: PriceInfo """ def plus(pi1, pi2): assert pi1.quantity == pi2.quantity return PriceInfo( pi1.price + pi2.price, pi1.base_price + pi2.base_price, quantity=pi1.quantity, ) zero_price = source.create_price(0) zero_pi = PriceInfo(zero_price, zero_price, quantity=1) return functools.reduce(plus, (x.price_info for x in costs), zero_pi) class ServiceCost(object): """ A cost of a service. One service might have several costs. """ def __init__(self, price, description=None, tax_class=None, base_price=None): """ Initialize cost from values. Note: If `tax_class` is specified, `description` must also be given. :type price: shuup.core.pricing.Price :type description: str|None :type tax_class: shuup.core.models.TaxClass|None :type base_price: shuup.core.pricing.Price|None """ if tax_class and not description: raise ValueError("Error! Service cost with a defined tax class must also have a description.") self.price = price self.description = description self.tax_class = tax_class self.base_price = base_price if base_price is not None else price @property def price_info(self): return PriceInfo(self.price, self.base_price, quantity=1) class ServiceBehaviorComponent(PolymorphicShuupModel): #: Name for the component (lazy translated) name = None #: Help text for the component (lazy translated) help_text = None identifier = InternalIdentifierField(unique=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if type(self) != ServiceBehaviorComponent and is None: raise TypeError("Error! is not defined." % type(self).__name__) super(ServiceBehaviorComponent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_unavailability_reasons(self, service, source): """ :type service: Service :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: Iterable[ValidationError] """ return ()
[docs] def get_costs(self, service, source): """ Return costs for this object. This should be implemented in a subclass. This method is used to calculate price for ``ShippingMethod`` and ``PaymentMethod`` objects. :type service: Service :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: Iterable[ServiceCost] """ return ()
[docs] def get_delivery_time(self, service, source): """ :type service: Service :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :rtype: shuup.utils.dates.DurationRange|None """ return None
_translatable_model = PolymorphicTranslatableShuupModel if django.VERSION >= (1, 11) else TranslatableShuupModel class TranslatableServiceBehaviorComponent( six.with_metaclass(PolyTransModelBase, ServiceBehaviorComponent, _translatable_model) ): class Meta: abstract = True