Source code for shuup.admin.utils.wizard

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from django.conf import settings

from shuup import configuration
from shuup.admin.module_registry import get_modules
from shuup.admin.shop_provider import get_shop
from shuup.utils.importing import load

[docs]def load_setup_wizard_panes(shop, request=None, visible_only=True): """ Load the setup Wizard panes. The result will be a list of valid pane instances. :type request: HttpRequest|None :param visible_only: whether to return only visible panes :type visible_only: bool """ if not shop: raise ValueError("Error! Shop instance is mandatory.") panes = [] for pane_spec in getattr(settings, "SHUUP_SETUP_WIZARD_PANE_SPEC", []): pane_class = load(pane_spec) pane_inst = pane_class(request=request, object=shop) if pane_inst.valid() and (not visible_only or pane_inst.visible()): panes.append(pane_inst) return panes
[docs]def load_setup_wizard_pane(shop, request, pane_id): """ Search, load and return a valid Wizard Pane by its identifier. :type request: HttpRequest :param pane_id: the pane identifier :type pane_id: str :return: the pane instance or None :rtype: shuup.admin.views.wizard.WizardPane|None """ if not shop: raise ValueError("Error! Shop instance is mandatory.") for pane_spec in getattr(settings, "SHUUP_SETUP_WIZARD_PANE_SPEC", []): pane_class = load(pane_spec) pane_inst = pane_class(request=request, object=shop) if pane_inst.identifier == pane_id and pane_inst.valid(): return pane_inst
[docs]def setup_wizard_complete(request): """ Check if shop wizard should be run. :return: whether setup wizard needs to be run :rtype: boolean """ if getattr(settings, "SHUUP_ENABLE_MULTIPLE_SHOPS", False): # setup wizard is only applicable in single shop mode return True shop = get_shop(request) complete = configuration.get(shop, "setup_wizard_complete") if complete is None: return not setup_wizard_visible_panes(shop, request=request) return complete
[docs]def setup_wizard_visible_panes(shop, request): """ Check if shop wizard has visible panes that require merchant configuration. :return: whether the setup wizard has visible panes :rtype: Boolean """ return len(load_setup_wizard_panes(shop, request)) > 0
[docs]def setup_blocks_complete(request): """ Check if any incomplete setup blocks remain. :return: whether all setup blocks are complete :rtype: Boolean """ for module in get_modules(): if ( len( [ block for block in module.get_help_blocks(request=request, kind="setup") if block.required and not block.done ] ) > 0 ): return False return True
[docs]def onboarding_complete(request): """ Check if the shop wizard and all setup blocks are complete. :return: whether onboarding is complete :rtype: Boolean """ return setup_wizard_complete(request) and setup_blocks_complete(request)