Source code for shuup.admin.toolbar

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import json
import six
from django.middleware.csrf import get_token
from django.utils.html import conditional_escape, format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.admin.utils.forms import flatatt_filter
from shuup.admin.utils.permissions import get_missing_permissions
from shuup.admin.utils.str_utils import camelcase_to_snakecase
from shuup.admin.utils.urls import NoModelUrl, get_model_url
from shuup.apps.provides import get_provide_objects
from shuup.utils.django_compat import NoReverseMatch, Resolver404, force_text, resolve, reverse

[docs]class BaseToolbarButtonProvider(object): @classmethod
[docs] def get_buttons_for_view(cls, view): """ Implement this method to add custom buttons to a view's toolbar You can check the view attributes before returning buttons. In case you need to access the request, get it from the view: `view.request`. You can also access the view object when that is available: ``` if getattr(view, "object", None): yield JavaScriptActionButton(onclick="window.doSomething()", text="Do Something") ``` :param view django.views.View: the view object to add the toolbar. :rtype iterator|list """ return []
[docs]class BaseActionButton(object): base_css_classes = ("btn", "") def __init__( self, text="", icon=None, disable_reason=None, tooltip=None, extra_css_class="", required_permissions=(), identifier=None, ): """ :param text: The actual text for the button. :param icon: Icon CSS class string :param disable_reason: The reason for this button to be disabled. It's considered good UX to have an user-visible reason for disabled actions; thus the only way to disable an action is to set the reason. See :type disable_reason: str|None :param tooltip: Tooltip string, if any. May be replaced by the disable reason. :type tooltip: str|None :param extra_css_class: Extra CSS class(es) :type extra_css_class: str :param required_permissions: Optional iterable of permission strings :type required_permissions: Iterable[str] """ self.text = text self.icon = icon self.disable_reason = disable_reason self.disabled = bool(self.disable_reason) self.tooltip = self.disable_reason or tooltip self.extra_css_class = extra_css_class self.required_permissions = required_permissions self.identifier = identifier
[docs] def render(self, request): """ Yield HTML bits for this object. :type request: HttpRequest :rtype: Iterable[str] """ return ()
[docs] def render_label(self): bits = [] if self.icon: bits.append('<i class="%s"></i>&nbsp;' % self.icon) bits.append(conditional_escape(self.text)) return "".join(force_text(bit) for bit in bits)
[docs] def get_computed_class(self): return " ".join( filter(None, list(self.base_css_classes) + [self.extra_css_class, "disabled" if self.disabled else ""]) )
[docs]class URLActionButton(BaseActionButton): """ An action button that renders as a link leading to `url`. """ def __init__(self, url, **kwargs): """ :param url: The URL to navigate to. For convenience, if this contains no slashes, `reverse` is automatically called on it. :type url: str """ if "/" not in url: try: url = reverse(url) except NoReverseMatch: pass self.url = url if "required_permissions" not in kwargs: try: permission = resolve(six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(force_text(url)).path).url_name kwargs["required_permissions"] = (permission,) except Resolver404: pass super(URLActionButton, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def render(self, request): if not get_missing_permissions(request.user, self.required_permissions): yield "<a %s>" % flatatt_filter( {"href": self.url, "class": self.get_computed_class(), "title": self.tooltip} ) yield self.render_label() yield "</a>"
[docs]class SettingsActionButton(URLActionButton): """ A generic settings button meant to be used across many modules """ def __init__(self, url, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("icon", "fa fa-cog") kwargs.setdefault("text", _("Settings")) kwargs.setdefault("extra_css_class", "btn-inverse") kwargs.pop("return_url") super(SettingsActionButton, self).__init__(url, **kwargs) @classmethod
[docs] def for_model(cls, model, **kwargs): """ Generate a SettingsActionButton for a model, auto-wiring the URL. :param model: Model class :rtype: shuup.admin.toolbar.SettingsActionButton|None """ if "url" not in kwargs: try: url = get_model_url(model, kind="list_settings") except NoModelUrl: return None return_url = kwargs.get("return_url") if not return_url: return_url = camelcase_to_snakecase(model.__name__) kwargs["url"] = url + "?module=%s&model=%s&return_url=%s" % (model.__module__, model.__name__, return_url) return cls(**kwargs)
[docs]class NewActionButton(URLActionButton): """ An URL button with sane "new" visual semantics """ def __init__(self, url, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("icon", "fa fa-plus") kwargs.setdefault("text", _("Create new")) kwargs.setdefault("extra_css_class", "btn-primary") super(NewActionButton, self).__init__(url, **kwargs) @classmethod
[docs] def for_model(cls, model, **kwargs): """ Generate a NewActionButton for a model, auto-wiring the URL. :param model: Model class :rtype: shuup.admin.toolbar.NewActionButton|None """ if "url" not in kwargs: try: url = get_model_url(model, kind="new") except NoModelUrl: return None kwargs["url"] = url kwargs.setdefault("text", _("New %(model)s") % {"model": model._meta.verbose_name}) return cls(**kwargs)
[docs]class JavaScriptActionButton(BaseActionButton): """ An action button that uses `onclick` for action dispatch. """ base_css_classes = ("btn", "btn-default") def __init__(self, onclick, **kwargs): self.onclick = onclick super(JavaScriptActionButton, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def render(self, request): if not get_missing_permissions(request.user, self.required_permissions): yield "<a %s>" % flatatt_filter( { "href": "#", "class": self.get_computed_class(), "title": self.tooltip, "onclick": mark_safe(self.onclick) if self.onclick else None, } ) yield self.render_label() yield "</a>"
[docs]class PostActionButton(BaseActionButton): """ An action button that renders as a button POSTing a form containing `name`=`value` to `post_url`. """ def __init__(self, post_url=None, name=None, value=None, form_id=None, confirm=None, **kwargs): self.post_url = post_url = name self.value = value self.form_id = form_id self.confirm = confirm super(PostActionButton, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def render(self, request): if not get_missing_permissions(request.user, self.required_permissions): yield "<button %s>" % flatatt_filter( { "form": self.form_id, # This can be used to post another form "formaction": self.post_url, "name":, "value": self.value, "type": "submit", "title": self.tooltip, "class": self.get_computed_class(), "onclick": ("return confirm(%s)" % json.dumps(force_text(self.confirm)) if self.confirm else None), } ) yield self.render_label() yield "</button>"
[docs]class PostActionDropdownItem(PostActionButton): """ A POST action item to be shown in a `DropdownActionButton`. """ base_css_classes = ("dropdown-item", "") def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PostActionDropdownItem, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def render(self, request): if not get_missing_permissions(request.user, self.required_permissions): button = super(PostActionDropdownItem, self).render(request) for bit in button: yield bit
[docs] def visible_for_object(object): """ Used when dropdown item is added through provides :return whether this item must be shown :rtype: bool """ return True
# -----------
[docs]class ButtonGroup(list):
[docs] def render(self, request): yield '<div class="btn-group" role="group">' for button in self: if button: if callable(button): # Buttons may be functions/other callables too yield button(request) else: for bit in button.render(request): yield bit yield "</div>"
[docs]class Toolbar(list): """ Toolbar for admin views Add buttons (subclasses of BaseActionButton) to the toolbar through `toolbar.append(button)` method. A toolbar can be created for a given View using `Toolbar.for_view(view_instance)` class method. This method will create an empty toolbar and it will be populated using button providers that are loaded using provides. Views which have the `toolbar_buttons_provider_key` attribute indicate that buttons should be added to the toolbar using that provide key, e.g: in your ``: ``` class MyView(View): toolbar_buttons_provider_key = 'my_view_toolbar_provider_key' ``` in your ``: ``` class AppConfig(shuup.apps.AppConfig): provides = { "my_view_toolbar_provider_key": [ "myapp.toolbar:MyViewToolbarButtonProvider" ] } ``` in your ``: ``` class MyViewToolbarButtonProvider(BaseToolbarButtonProvider): @classmethod def get_buttons_for_view(cls, view): if getattr(view, "object", None) and isinstance(view.object, Product): yield JavaScriptActionButton(onclick="window.doSomething()", text="Do Something") ``` You can also provide buttons to the tollbar of any view using the `admin_toolbar_button_provider` provide key. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): view = kwargs.pop("view", None) super(Toolbar, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if view: self.extend(Toolbar.for_view(view))
[docs] def render(self, request): # The toolbar is wrapped in a form without an action, # but `PostActionButton`s use the HTML5 `formaction` attribute. yield '<div class="shuup-toolbar">' yield '<form method="POST">' yield format_html("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='{0}'>", get_token(request)) yield '<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">' for group in self: if group: for bit in group.render(request): yield bit yield "</div></form></div>"
[docs] def render_to_string(self, request): return "".join(force_text(bit) for bit in self.render(request))
[docs] def for_view(cls, view): toolbar = cls() # add buttons from the view toolbar button provider if getattr(view, "toolbar_buttons_provider_key", None): for toolbar_buttons_provider in get_provide_objects(view.toolbar_buttons_provider_key): toolbar.extend(list(toolbar_buttons_provider.get_buttons_for_view(view))) # add buttons from the global toolbar button provider for admin_toolbar_button_provider in get_provide_objects("admin_toolbar_button_provider"): toolbar.extend(list(admin_toolbar_button_provider.get_buttons_for_view(view))) return toolbar
[docs]def try_reverse(viewname, **kwargs): try: return reverse(viewname, kwargs=kwargs) except NoReverseMatch: return viewname
[docs]def get_discard_button(discard_url): return URLActionButton( url=discard_url, text=_("Discard Changes"), icon="fa fa-undo", extra_css_class="btn btn-inverse" )
[docs]def get_save_as_copy_button(object, copy_url): if copy_url and object and copy_url = try_reverse(copy_url, return DropdownItem( url=copy_url, text=_("Save as a copy"), icon="fa fa-clone", ) elif object and return DropdownItem( onclick="saveAsACopy()", text=_("Save as a copy"), icon="fa fa-clone", )
[docs]def get_default_edit_toolbar( view_object, save_form_id, discard_url=None, delete_url=None, copy_url=None, with_split_save=True, with_save_as_copy=False, toolbar=None, required_permissions=(), ): """ Get a toolbar with buttons used for object editing. :param view_object: The class-based-view object requiring the toolbar :type view_object: django.views.generic.UpdateView :param save_form_id: The DOM ID to target for the save button :type save_form_id: str :param discard_url: The URL/route name for the Discard button. Falsy values default to the request URL. :type discard_url: str|None :param delete_url: The URL/route name for the Delete button. If this is not set, the delete button is not shown. :type delete_url: str|None :param with_split_save: Use split delete button with "Save and Exit" etc.? :type with_split_save: bool :param toolbar: The toolbar to augment. If None, a new one is created. :type toolbar: Toolbar :return: Toolbar :rtype: Toolbar """ request = view_object.request object = getattr(view_object, "object", None) discard_url = discard_url or request.path existing_toolbar = toolbar is not None toolbar = toolbar if existing_toolbar else Toolbar.for_view(view_object) default_save_button = PostActionButton( icon="fa fa-check-circle", form_id=save_form_id, text=_("Save"), extra_css_class="btn-success btn-save", required_permissions=required_permissions, ) if with_split_save: dropdown_options = [ DropdownItem( onclick="setNextActionAndSubmit('%s', 'return')" % save_form_id, text=_("Save and Exit"), icon="fa fa-floppy-o", ), DropdownItem( onclick="setNextActionAndSubmit('%s', 'new')" % save_form_id, text=_("Save and Create New"), icon="fa fa-file-o", ), ] if with_save_as_copy: save_as_copy_button = get_save_as_copy_button(object, copy_url) if save_as_copy_button: dropdown_options.append(save_as_copy_button) if object and if discard_url: dropdown_options.append(DropdownDivider()) dropdown_options.append(get_discard_button(try_reverse(discard_url, save_dropdown = DropdownActionButton( dropdown_options, split_button=default_save_button, extra_css_class="btn-success btn-dropdown-toggle", required_permissions=required_permissions, ) toolbar.append(save_dropdown) else: toolbar.append(default_save_button) if with_save_as_copy and not with_split_save: toolbar.append(save_as_copy_button) if object and if delete_url: delete_url = try_reverse(delete_url, toolbar.append( PostActionButton( post_url=delete_url, text=_("Delete"), icon="fa fa-trash", extra_css_class="btn-danger", confirm=_("Are you sure you wish to delete %s?") % object, required_permissions=required_permissions, ) ) if existing_toolbar: toolbar.extend(Toolbar.for_view(view_object)) return toolbar