Source code for shuup.admin.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import hashlib
import six
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_text
from django.utils.translation import override
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional

from shuup.utils.django_compat import reverse

[docs]class AdminModule(object): name = "_Base_" # A menu entry to represent this module in breadcrumbs breadcrumbs_menu_entry = None
[docs] def get_urls(self): """ :rtype: list[django.urls.RegexURLPattern] """ return ()
[docs] def get_menu_category_icons(self): """ :rtype: dict[str,str] """ return {}
[docs] def get_menu_entries(self, request): """ :rtype: list[shuup.admin.base.MenuEntry] """ return ()
[docs] def get_search_results(self, request, query): """ :rtype: list[shuup.admin.base.SearchResult] """ return ()
[docs] def get_dashboard_blocks(self, request): """ :rtype: list[shuup.admin.dashboard.DashboardBlock] """ return ()
[docs] def get_help_blocks(self, request, kind): """ :param request: Request. :type request: django.http.request.HttpRequest :param kind: block kind. Currently "setup" or "quicklink". :type kind: str :rtype: list[shuup.admin.views.home.HelpBlock] """ return ()
[docs] def get_required_permissions(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Returns a list of required permissions for this module to be enabled :rtype: list[str] """ with override(language="en"): return [force_text(]
[docs] def get_extra_permissions(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Define custom extra permissions for admin module for option to limit certain parts of the admin module based on per user permission string. Should return unique list permission strings across the installation to prevent unwanted side effects. :rtype: list[str] """ return ()
[docs] def get_permissions_help_texts(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Returns a dictionary where the keys is the permission identifier and the value is a help text that can help the user to understand where the permissions is used and how it works. """ return dict()
[docs] def get_notifications(self, request): """ :rtype: list[shuup.admin.base.Notification] """ return ()
[docs] def get_activity(self, request, cutoff): """ :param cutoff: Cutoff datetime. :type cutoff: datetime.datetime :param request: Request. :type request: django.http.request.HttpRequest :return: list[shuup.admin.base.Activity] """ return ()
[docs] def get_model_url(self, object, kind, shop=None): """ Retrieve an admin URL for the given object of the kind `kind`. A falsy value must be returned if the module does not know how to reverse the given object. :param object: A object instance (or object class). :type object: django.db.models.Model :param kind: URL kind. Currently "detail", "list" or "new". :type kind: str :param shop: The shop that owns the resource. :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop|None :return: The reversed URL or none. :rtype: str|None """ return None
[docs]class Resolvable(object): _url = "" # Set on instance level. @property def url(self): """ Resolve this object's `_url` to an actual URL. :return: URL or no URL. :rtype: str|None """ url = self._url if not url: return None if isinstance(url, tuple): (viewname, args, kwargs) = url return reverse(viewname, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) if isinstance(url, six.string_types): if url.startswith("http") or "/" in url: return url return reverse(url) raise TypeError("Error! Can't resolve the object's provided value `%r` to an actual URL." % url) @property def original_url(self): return self._url
[docs]class BaseMenuEntry(Resolvable): identifier = None name = None icon = "" is_hidden = False ordering = -1 entries = [] @property def id(self): """ Value containing only hexadecimal digits, we can use this safely in html code. """ return hashlib.md5(str(self.identifier).encode("utf8")).hexdigest() @property def has_entries(self): return len(self.entries) > 0
[docs] def to_dict(self): return { "id":, "url": self.url, "name": str(, "icon": self.icon, "is_hidden": self.is_hidden, "entries": [e.to_dict() for e in self.entries], }
[docs] def get(self, item, default=None): return getattr(self, item, default)
def __getitem__(self, item): return self.get(item) def __iter__(self): return iter(sorted(self.entries, key=lambda e: e.ordering))
[docs]class SearchResult(Resolvable): def __init__(self, text, url, icon=None, category=None, is_action=False, relevance=100, target=None): self.text = text self._url = url self.icon = icon self.category = category self.is_action = bool(is_action) self.relevance = relevance = target
[docs] def to_json(self): return { "text": force_text(self.text), "url": self.url, "icon": self.icon, "category": force_text(self.category), "isAction": self.is_action, "relevance": self.relevance, "target":, }
[docs]class Notification(Resolvable): KINDS = ("info", "success", "warning", "danger") def __init__(self, text, title=None, url=None, kind="info", dismissal_url=None, datetime=None): """ :param text: The notification's text. :type text: str :param title: An optional title for the notification. :type title: str|None :param url: The optional main URL for the notification. :type url: str|None :param kind: The kind of the notification (see KINDS) :type kind: str :param dismissal_url: An optional dismissal URL for the notification. The admin framework will add a button that will cause an AJAX post into this URL. :type dismissal_url: str|None :param datetime: An optional date+time for this notification. :type datetime: datetime """ self.title = title self.text = text self._url = url self.dismissal_url = dismissal_url self.kind = kind self.datetime = datetime bits = [force_text(v) for (k, v) in sorted(vars(self).items())] = hashlib.md5(force_bytes("+".join(bits))).hexdigest()
[docs]class Activity(Resolvable): def __init__(self, datetime, text, url=None): self.datetime = datetime self.text = text self._url = url
[docs]class Section(object): """ Subclass this and add the class to the admin_*_section provide list (e.g. `admin_order_section`) to show a custom section on the specified model object's admin detail page. `identifier` must be unique. `name` the section caption. `icon` the section icon. `template` the section template file. `extra_js` the section extra javascript template file, set a file which contains js code inside a <script> tag. `order` the order. """ identifier = "" name = "" icon = "" template = "" extra_js = "" order = 0 @classmethod
[docs] def visible_for_object(cls, obj, request): """ Returns whether this sections must be visible for the provided object (e.g. `order`). :type model object: e.g. shuup.core.models.Order :type request: HttpRequest :return whether this section must be shown in order section list, defaults to false :rtype: bool """ return False
[docs] def get_context_data(cls, obj, request): """ Returns additional information to be used in the template. To fetch this data in the template, you must first add it to your request's context e.g. `context[admin_order_section.identifier] = admin_order_section.get_context_data(self.object)` :type object: e.g. shuup.core.models.Order :type request: HttpRequest :return additional context data :rtype: object|None """ return None